Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild to give knitters of all skill levels the opportunity to get to know other knitters, to learn new techniques, and to share their ideas, resources, and talents with the community.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mug Rugging or Coaster-ing Into March

Are you making a coaster or mug rug for the March 12th meeting?  I've got one done but want to make more.  Here is Julie's challenge in her own words,  "Any size, any color, any shape, any stitch.  Attach an index card with your name and information about your cast on, stitch pattern, and bind off.  I'm encouraging you to try something new, but if you have a favorite that's okay too.  Check our BLKG library or any of the online resources for ideas.  We'll display them and share them along with our regular show and tell."
My first attempt at Linen Stitch

As soon as I read that, I searched on Ravelry for coasters and found almost 250 free ones, then I searched for mug rugs and found eight more.  And that's not including crocheted ones.  If you can't find one you like in all of those, you've got your eyes closed.

A coaster or mug rug is a chance to try a stitch or technique you've always wanted to try but haven't wanted to devote a big project to.  This might even be your chance to learn to crochet or beef up your skills so you can add crocheted edgings to your knitting projects.  So grab some scraps of cotton yarn, a pair of needles (or a hook), and cast on!  Come on, play along.  Have a bit of fun in the suckiness that is early March in Wisconsin.  (The opinion expressed in the previous sentence is solely the opinion of the author and in no way reflects the opinions of the rest of Bay Lakes Knitting Guild, besides it's snowing today.)

**Remember, this is the meeting that our Design-a-Thon entries are due so bring $5 per entry.  Andy asks that you have the name of the piece, the gauge, yarn type, stitch type, fiber content, and where the idea came from so that the labels can be ready for the judging at the April meeting.  I'm sure that there will be places on the entry form for that information.  We don't have to have the pattern completely written this month but your pattern is part of your entry even if you don't want to be included in the  pattern booklet.

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