you for the great turnout for our February meeting. I enjoyed seeing the varied
mitten patterns and the various “knit red” items.
month the guild received a generous gift of yarn and needles. Keep in
mind that our “good fortune” was at the “misfortune” of someone else.
Please consider using the items you selected to either teach someone to knit,
or use your talents to donate knitted baby hats, mittens, baby blankets, chemo
hats and Veteran hats to any of your favorite charities. Let us know of
your donation so that we can track them for guild records.
forward to our March meeting, I have also completed two coasters of different
stitch patterns. I’m also hoping to complete a two color stitch pattern I
wanted to try. Hopefully, we will have a varied display of stitch patterns for
our March meeting.
an eye out for our next newsletter with two new features!
you in March.