The Bay Lakes Knitting Guild is in need of a Program/Events Chair.
Don't stop reading because you think you can't help or because the idea of doing it scares you.
Now is the best time to take on the job because a great majority of the work is already done for you (or you and a friend, two people can do this together--half the work, double the fun).
Carol has planned and scheduled an April Sock KAL and Kris K. is set to coordinate it.
Glenyss from the Grafton Yarn Store is already scheduled to teach Fair Isle at the May meeting, spend the night, and teach a full morning Fair Isle class for those interested the next day (for a small fee). Barbara Boville stepped forward to coordinate. All that's needed is to contact her to make sure that she solidifies the plans, times, and materials.
June is the annual picnic, the venue is set and Della M. and Diane W. have stepped forward to coordinate that.
So the Program/Events Chair needs to coordinate. Delegate. Oversee.
- You need to check that the coordinator for that month's program is up to speed, has contacted the teacher or venue, and has what they need to get the job done.
- The Program/Events Chair needs to make sure that the coordinator of each program gets any "homework" needed for the next month to Kathy P. in time to put it in the newsletter.
- July and August are months we have no programs but right now there is nothing lined up for September, October, and November.
- Carol has the interest surveys that we all filled out earlier this year. The survey is filled with ideas to help the Program/Events Chair with planning.
One thing to keep in mind: if you figure that we have 30 members taking turns and figure that there are 6 "big" volunteer
jobs (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program/Events, Newsletter,
Charity Coordinator),
30 divided by 6 equals 5.
That means that we'd
each only have to do one of those "big" jobs once every five years. Think of it, if you
step forward this year to coordinate the Programs/Events, you're
off the hook until 2024.