Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild to give knitters of all skill levels the opportunity to get to know other knitters, to learn new techniques, and to share their ideas, resources, and talents with the community.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September Meeting Coming Up

Next Thursday, September 19 is the next BLKG meeting and here's what our president Carol had to say in her letter in the latest newsletter:

Our September meeting will be primarily business. Ill present the 2020 budget and a mini State of the Guildreport. Please give some thought to What I Want Our Guild To Be”. Were eager to hear ideas about the next steps for our Guild. Where do we want our Guild to be a year from now? 5 years from now? I look forward to seeing you there

I'll be there at 5:30 because I rashly agreed to be Knit Doctor at the September meeting so if you need help with a project bring it along and hopefully together you and I can figure out how to proceed.   Even if that means turning your knitting back into yarn balls.

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