See? This is not a scary idea. No one's saying you have to design a sweater or socks or gloves. Some of us will, but the rest of us might want to learn just one new stitch or play with a single cable or brave a bit of lace, and trust me on this, that's designing.
I was poking around the web last week, I don't remember what I was looking for, when I found this website called The Weekly Stitch. Each week or so they post a different stitch. I've already printed off three or four that might work with my design idea(s). Why don't you go there and poke around? You might find something that inspires, interests, or terrifies you, whatever will convince you that yes, you really can design some knitted thing. (I'm going to put the link in the list along the right side of the blog page, and leave it there, so you can come here and go there easily.)
Happy designing!
As soon as I get it I'll be posting the info on what we have to prep for the January program which is learning how to make thrummed mittens. My cold hands can't wait.
P.S. Don't freak out, the designs aren't due until April or May.
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