Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild to give knitters of all skill levels the opportunity to get to know other knitters, to learn new techniques, and to share their ideas, resources, and talents with the community.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thursday, December 11 Meeting

This coming Thursday is the BLKG December meeting which is also our holiday party.  The new adjusted meeting time is 6:30 PM and I am certain there will be someone available at 6:00 PM if you need a spot of Knit Doctor-ing before we start.

Have you thought about what dish you're bringing?  There are no assignments, each member is asked to bring either an appetizer, salad, or dessert to share.  I'm a big fan of all three so I can't wait to see what you all bring.

The other requirement is that each person bring an unwrapped dishcloth.  During the party someone will read a story or a poem and when a certain word is read, the cloths pass to the left, or right depending on who's deciding.  By the time THE END rolls around we should each be holding a different dishcloth than the one we brought.  Please do not feel as if you have to make the perfect dishcloth or the most complicated patterned one, a dishcloth made with the simplest, Grandmother's Favorite pattern will be just as appreciated.  I always smile and think of the knitter when one of my BLKG Christmas dishcloths comes to the top of the pile.  Plain or fancy they're excellent for wiping counters and scrubbing plates.  You can never have too many handmade washcloths or dishcloths.

   I can't wait to see you all on Thursday!

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